Orientation table of the Chirol cross Superb 360° panorama on a summit at an altitude of 915 metres. Access from the hamlet of Chirol in Burdignes via the RD 29. Burdignes Free
Crêt de la Perdrix orientation table Orientation table on the highest point of the Pilat massif. The table can be reached in 10 minutes' walk from the Jasserie road (RD8a). A 360° viewpoint over the south-east quarter of France. La Valla-en-Gier Free
Mont Monnet orientation table Orientation table installed at an altitude of 700 metres in the immediate vicinity of the chapel of Mont Monnet. Accessible from the Col de Grenouze via the RD78. Beautiful view of the Rhône valley, the Alps and the Pilat ridge. La Chapelle-Villars Free
Orientation table of the crêt de l'Oeillon Orientation table installed on one of the emblematic summits of the Pilat massif. The table can be reached in 10 minutes' walk from the Collet de l'Oeillon car park, accessed via the RD63. Viewpoint on the 3 teeth and the whole Alps chain. Pélussin Free
Guizay orientation table What would a visit to the city be without the sacrosanct panoramic view and postcard selfie. Follow the antennas to stay connected and experience a real moment suspended in the air and in time. Planfoy Free
Orientation table at the Croix du Bessy Orientation table located at 720 metres altitude. Beautiful views of the puys chain as far as the Lyon conurbation. Municipality of la Ricamarie Saint-Romain-les-Atheux Free
Orientation table of the crêt de chaussître Orientation table located at an altitude of 1220 metres. The table can be reached in 10 minutes' walk from the RD501. Viewpoint on the Yssingelais and the Haute-Loire. Saint-Régis-du-Coin Free
Orientation table at the summit of Panère Orientation table at an altitude of 1302 metres. Accessible only on foot from the village of St-Régis-du-Coin or the hamlet of Gimel. Saint-Régis-du-Coin Free
Orientation table of the Rocher de Dentillon Orientation table located at an altitude of 990 metres. Accessible only on foot (about 5km) by the forest road from the Madeleine car park between Pélussin and the Oeillon pass. Roisey Free